Anqi’s First Icebreaker Speech – Celebrating Bravery, Growth, and New Beginnings

At the Lausanne International Toastmasters Club, every member’s journey begins with one brave first step: the Icebreaker Speech. Recently, at the first meeting of our Autumn Season, Anqi delivered her Icebreaker Speech with us for the very first time. For the record, an Ice Breaker speech is a story about you. For this speech you can share anything about yourself that you would like. The speech can be personal, but it doesn’t have to be. Some people give an entire speech simply describing their favorite meal, while others delve into an important or momentous event in their life.

Taking That First Brave Step

When I asked Anqi how she felt leading up to her Icebreaker, she admitted to feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. “I prepared by reflecting on what brought me to the club and my goals here – building confidence and learning to trust myself,” she said. For many, including Anqi, the Icebreaker is about so much more than standing up and speaking. It’s about sharing a part of yourself with others, and that takes real courage.

A Moment of Pride

After her speech, Anqi experienced something many first-time speakers describe – a wave of pride and accomplishment. “I realized I could step out of my comfort zone and succeed,” she shared. And it didn’t stop there – her fellow members provided supportive feedback, encouraging her to experiment with vocal variety, interact with the audience, and relax her body language. “Their suggestions were so encouraging,” she reflected, “and they gave me clear steps to improve.”

A Club That Feels Like Home

Anqi has found more than just public speaking skills here; she’s found a community. “From the moment I joined, I felt welcomed,” she said. “This is a place where I can be myself, make mistakes, and still feel supported.” For her, and for so many of us, the club is more than a place to practice speeches – it’s a supportive space for growth and connection.

A Message to Those Who Haven’t Taken the Leap

To anyone who hasn’t yet given their Icebreaker, Anqi has this to say: “Don’t hesitate. Toastmasters is the perfect place to start – to build confidence and improve your skills with people who genuinely want to see you succeed.”

Congratulations, Anqi, on taking that first courageous step. We’re so proud of you, and we can’t wait to watch you grow even more on this journey!